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June lawn care (Lawn Ranger’s Diary)

June lawn care (Lawn Ranger’s Diary)
10th June 2013 Lawn UK

Following 2013’s exceptionally late spring, now is a good time to think about what you should do to keep your lawn in top condition for the summer. June often brings warmer temperatures, which can dry out the soil quite significantly.

June Priorities

– Continue mowing regularly

– Control weeds

– Add fertiliser

– Water in dry periods 

– Aerate the lawn

Avoid in June

– Sowing a new lawn*

– Moss control

*Unless you water the lawn consistently.


Your lawn will be growing rapidly during the early summer months. Try to keep on mowing your lawn frequently, as this will help you lawn stay thick and lush. Keep your mower in top condition, and make sure the blade is sharp enough for you to get a clean cut.

Weed control

Weeds generally thrive at this time of year. Control them now before they have a change to go to seed. We recommend the ready to spray Vitax Lawn Clear spot treatment. Just spray the leaves of the weed plant, having not cut the grass for 5 days. Make sure you leave the area before cutting again for a further 3 days to allow the weed killer to take full effect.

Fertilising your lawn

Now is the perfect time to apply a lawn building fertiliser. There are a few different types of fertiliser that you can use. Granular fertilisers are the easiest to apply. You can use either a simple granular lawn feed, or you can use a granular weed and feed fertiliser. Spread the fertiliser using a hand held spreader, or a drop spreader.

For the more experienced gardener, you can use a liquid lawn feed. These are more difficult to apply, as they need to be diluted into water, and spread using a watering can with a rose attachment. Take a look at liquid Green Up Feed & Weed.

Watering your lawn

If we have long dry spells in the coming weeks, it might be sensible to consider watering your lawn. Make sure that you provide the lawn with adequate water – you need to water for long periods of time, bearing in mind that you are artificially replicating rainfall. See our guide on watering here.




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