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Mow a meadow: Cut now

Mow a meadow: Cut now
10th September 2013 Lawn UK

Wildflower meadows are often regarded as being very low maintenance. Apart from the annual cut, wildflowers are fairly easy to look after once established.

Now is the time of year when it is important to mow your wildflower meadows, to ensure that you get good results next year.

The process is fairly simple. The easiest way to manage your meadow is to strim down the plants to just 2-3″ (5-7.5cm) high. You can also do this using a scythe mower. Despite temptation, do not use a ride on lawn mower, as it will clog up very quickly with all the debris.

It’s important to remove the cuttings, otherwise as they decompose, they will return nutrients to the soil, which will build up fertility. This may sound great, but in reality, it will benefit the weeds much more than the wildflowers.

Once you have cut the bulk off the meadow, you can tidy up the area with a rotary mower, but again make sure you are able to collect any debris.


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