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One man went to mow…

One man went to mow…
8th May 2017 Lawn UK

Lawn MowerThat old nursery rhyme is a timely reminder that we’re right in the middle of your lawn’s biggest growth spurt of the year. It’s important to use the right mower for your lawn type, and cut at the right height and frequency. Here you can find answers to commonly asked questions about mowing your lawn.

Lawns are mown with two different types of mower usually. Most common is the rotary mower. These mowers have a single blade spins at high speed making a clean cut of everything it passes as the mower moves forward. Rotary mowers are often the cheaper end of the spectrum and can be electric or motor powered.

Cylinder powers are the more stereotypical groundkeepers’ style power. Blades are arranged on a drum or cycling, which spins fast, leaving a very neat, fine cut. Because of the design, a cylinder mower can cut very close to the ground, with cutting heights as low as 3-4mm. As a result, it’s best only to use these mowers if you have an even surface, and a full thick base to your lawn. These mowers can be self-propelled, electric, or motor.


You’re probably familiar with our premium lawn seed range, it’s where you’ll find our mixes like Premium Green and Premium Shade. These mixtures produce some of the finest achievable lawns in the country. These, therefore, require a little extra TLC.

Fine lawn seed mixtures, predominantly fescue based, will tolerate really close mowing, usually with a cylinder mower. This will leave a bowling green style finish. This is especially noticeable if your mower is fitted with a heavy roller (use extra care to get a nice stripe pattern!).

If you use a more hardwearing mixture, like our famous Sprogs and Dogs grass seed, you won’t want the cylinder mower, as the tough Ryegrasses we use don’t tolerate such close mowing. A good quality rotary mower should do the job here, and will leave a nice clear cut, with a thick lush turf.


Cutting height is a hotly debated topic. It all depends on the desired finish, hence it can be difficult to find a definitive answer. Usually, though, we recommend cutting fine lawns with a cylinder mower at 5-10mm. Alternatively, for tough durable lawns, which are ryegrass based, it’s suggested you cut between 25-45mm using a rotary mower.


How often should you be mowing your lawn? Again, this depends on some of the topics discussed above. Naturally, a lawn which you mow at a lower height will require mowing more frequently. This is because little growth will be more noticeable. Lawns cut at a higher height, will require less mowing to keep it uniform. However, ryegrass based lawns will have faster growth than fine, ornamental grass seed mixes. It’s recommended that you mow every 4-7 days for premium mixes, and every 7-14 days for hardwearing mixes.


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