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Dry spring means slower germination

Dry spring means slower germination
1st June 2020 Lawn UK

To say that Spring 2020 has been a little different from normal would be an understatement. But, with other headlines dominating, we may have missed some of the news about how unseasonably dry it’s been so far this year.

Watering LawnDriest May on record?

Parts of England & Wales saw the second driest May since records began this year, with April not having fared much better. But what does that mean for our gardens, and more specifically our lawns?

New Lawns

It’s hardly surprising to know that this year has been particularly challenging for sowing new lawns. The extremely dry months made it difficult to prepare a seedbed, with soils being very hard and difficult to work. Next, came the challenge of getting seed to germinate. In perfect conditions, seed can germinate in as little as 3-5 days – in Spring 2020, this has been more like 3-5 weeks!

It’s been crucial to keep watering new lawns, giving them a good soaking for a few hours in the early mornings or late evenings. Without this moisture in the soil, seed can be little more than a snack for the local birds. In an ideal world, seed should be sown a day or two before the next rain is forecast. This year though, parts of the country have had weeks without rain, meaning turning to the sprinkler is the only option.

Existing Lawns

Existing lawns have the benefit of structure and a good root system, so they can tolerate drier weather better. That being said though, discolouration can still occur if they are baked in the sun for too long. As above, applying a garden sprinkler for an hour or two each morning can be a great way to keep your lawn green in these dry months. Applying a liquid lawn feed can also really help your lawn to maintain its colour whilst others dry up and turn yellow or brown.

A possible solution?

These dry springs are something we’ve been ready for – and have developed our Drought Buster seed mixture to keep your lawn looking fresh and healthy no matter what the weather does.


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