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July lawn care (Lawn Ranger’s Diary)

July lawn care (Lawn Ranger’s Diary)
2nd July 2013 Lawn UK

Well it looks like summer is just around the corner. Forecasters are suggesting that warm weather is set from this weekend right until August. It’s important to look after your lawn in July, and consider a summer feed application to keep your lawn in top shape.

July Priorities

– Continue mowing regularly (twice a week if possible)

– Control weeds (as the appear)

– Add fertiliser (a summer feed is recommended)

– Water in dry weeks

– Overseed patches (but make sure you irrigate)


The warm summer temperatures cause lawns to grow rapidly compared to the rest of the year. As a result, you’ll need to keep on top of mowing, up to twice a week, to ensure that you have a good thick lawn. Keep your mower in top condition, and make sure the blade is sharp enough for you to get a clean cut.

Weed control

Weeds generally thrive at this time of year. Control them now before they have a change to go to seed. We recommend the ready to spray Vitax Lawn Clear spot treatment. Just spray the leaves of the weed plant, having not cut the grass for 5 days. Make sure you leave the area before cutting again for a further 3 days to allow the weed killer to take full effect.

Adding a summer fertiliser

Many gardeners will choose to add a summer lawn fertiliser in July. This is important because the fertilisers are designed to promote growth, ensuring your lawn stays green all summer long. Use either a simple granular lawn feed, or you can use a granular weed and feed fertiliser. Spread the fertiliser using a hand held spreader, or a drop spreader.

Some people choose a more difficult to apply liquid feed, which needs diluting in water, and applied using a watering can with a rose attachment. Take a look at liquid Green Up Feed & Weed.

Watering your lawn

As forecast, it’s set to be very dry over the coming weeks. It may be worth getting the sprinklers out, however ensure that you use enough water to make a difference – too little water will simply be a waste of time. See our guide on watering here for the full details.

Overseeding patches

You can overseed your lawn in July, but it is very important to remember that grass seed needs two things to germinate – warmth (no problem) and moisture. Its extremely important to make sure that you adequately water the overseeded patches to ensure you get good germination.

Overseeding itself is quite simple. Rake or scarify the area you want to patch up. Choose the best grass seed mixture, and spread it over the area, using a hand held spreader, or a drop spreader. Make sure after sowing you compact the lawn area, using either a roller, or by treading the seed in. See our overseeding guide here.


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