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Best lawns for lockdown

Best lawns for lockdown
4th January 2021 Lawn UK

As the UK enters it’s third round of lockdown, it looks like more and more of our time will be spent in our own gardens. So what can you do to help prepare your lawn?

Lawn UK grass seed


What’s probably most important is choosing a lawn seed that’s highly durable. Luckily, you will find Lawn UK has a wide range of hard-wearing grass seed mixes. Given that it’s likely the lawn will see a lot more traffic than usual, you need to make sure that the grass species are up to the job.

Species such as ryegrasses, and fescues tend to be some of the strongest. They can tolerate plenty of wear and tear, which is perfect for lockdown!

Improve your lawn or start again?

You might be tempted to rip up your existing lawn and start afresh. But don’t give up on what you already have. Lawns can be overseeded, to improve their strength, their finish and their appearance.

Not only is overseeding cheaper, it’s also quicker and will reduce the amount of time you are without grass in the garden.

If you feel however that your lawn is beyond repair, one option might be a phased reseeding. Split the lawn in two, and reseed one part in the spring, and one part in the autumn. Grass seed keeps well, so you can buy one batch and use it again later in the year.

Green up your lawn

Don’t forget to feed your lawn at strategic times throughout the year. We recommend Vitax All-in-One, and great general purpose lawn feed, weed and mosskiller. It’s good to apply just before rain is forecast so as to get the best results.

When to do what?

Seed requires quite a specific set of conditions to germinate well. You can read our guidance here on when it’s best to sow your grass seed.

Finally, we hope that you have a happy, healthy 2021. Whatever happens, we hope that you have plenty of time to enjoy the garden and be outside with family, friends and neighbours. Stay safe! 


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